I love science fiction, and one thing has stumbled me. Actually the lack of something. Not on one occasion have i seen what i´m about to elaborate on. And i´ll explain why i believe it is likely.
The closest i've ever seen this being used, is in Battlestar Galactica:
If you plan to watch Battlestar Galactica (BSG) stop reading now. What i aim at here is the vicous circle. The aliens are made by humans. These aliens retaliate and eradicate civilization, realize humans have something they don´t, emulate this, and in effect become the `new´ humans. Vicious circle ensues, the end. Oh and the story was interplanitary. This too relates to my point.
Now combine this with the Borg from Star Trek or the Replicators from Stargate:
- The borg wants to gain perfection, and one way they do this is by assimilating everything there is to know. This often means destroying civilizations and using slaves for their greater good.
- The replicators intended to defend their creator and in extent themselves, mostly by means of violence.
Both fictional species show similar behavior, but the Borg looks human, and the Replicators look like LEGO bricks.
My point
If you take all this, you get an entity (say some civilization, like humanity) that generates an entity (say some robots) in the quest for perfection. If this evolves enough, it wil most likely end up in a loop. Artifical humans basicly. Knowledge and evidence about this eventually gets lost (it might be still out there, don't get me wrong).
How we humans fit in
Be warned: i talk in generics, as there are a lot of variables here. Most of them don´t even matter in this context. We could stand on either side of the subject on this case. Actually, i beleive both.
In more detail
Now for some reason, assume some civilization gets to the point they figure out how to automate something. O wait, we've done that. The end result is a robot. In line of how we got so far, we
(as humans) want to perfect this even more.
Assume we end up
with or
as (for all intents and purposes the same here) a artificial entity (or call it civilization). They will continue this trend, and seed out to the universe in the meanwhile. Some won't survive a catastrophe and crash on some meteor or planet. Dead.
Don´t get me wrong, i am fond of Darwin.
But one of the things we've seen so far is that nature has rather advanced designs. If you aren't inspired try to understand how every cell in your body has a
copymachine and
protein assembly line. Enough youtube video's on that subject. Also don´t forget that some cellular automation appears
irreducible complex, meaning it we don´t have a model yet for how it may have evolved. There exist a ton of papers on this broad subject, but the video do a better job on explaining this.
I believe that a artificial entity ends up with what we call now bacteria, viruses and evolution all tied up with attaining the goals of said entity. Forget empathy, if it has to kill 90% of a population it will. It is a machine, it just does its job. Empathy is just some layer we humans made up in our brain chemistry to aid even better survival. All in line with the goals the machine is based on, and the rules of life itself ofcourse.
Full Circle
Imagine bacteria from the artificial entity got stranded on earth. Resume their goal. Eventually you end up with a smart entity, they make artificial perfection, this artificial perfection ends up much like we know nature today, and it is full circle.
There's much more to speculate with on this subject, but i'd rather leave you with the thought at hand. That and there´s the stuff that might put people off, its weird enough in this short form.
This train of thought should have a name. I suggest we call it Circolution, Loopolution, or something i've yet to come up with. Don't beleive ev
olution fits the subject at all, so suggestions are welcome.
What if? nothing... Consensus would be nice though.
If this was obvious concept long before you read this article, let me know. This will not lend itself for philosophy without diverging from the issue, nor bar talk. I feel rather alone on this subject.
Nature stems from robots?
It all seems so logical. Pun intended.